Again we are in the book of Esther. I have just loved going through this book. I hope you will go along with me!

Last time I wrote about which season we find ourselves in, the season of preparation or the season to act. We should find ourselves in one of those seasons. Through the season of preparation God is teaching us about security. Do I really trust God? Am I secure in Him? Do I know who I am in Christ and what He has called me to do?

Let me share about one of my seasons. To start, let me tell you I had no idea what God’s word said about me and who I was. I didn’t know what trusting God meant. During this time the devil had convinced me I was no good and definitely not someone God would want to use. The lies of the enemy had invaded my mind. The devil definitely doesn’t want us secure in Christ, he doesn’t want us to know or believe we are who God says we are. He wants to convince us to find our security in worldly things….money, our job, being a mom and being a wife. That’s where the devil tricked me. For a long time I thought my security came from my husband and being a good mom. Why wasn’t he (my husband) making me happy? How could I, being so young, be a good mom. I wanted to be a “good” wife and mom but at barely 20 with two kids, the devil convinced me I would never be good enough. How could and why would God want to use someone like me. These were my thoughts. The devil debilitated me with panic attacks and shame. I was desperate for a change. I cried out to God and He answered. Someone bought me a study bible, they had no idea what all I was struggling with and had no idea they were my answer to prayers. I began studying every word on being a women, a wife, a mom and God’s love. Through His word he spoke every word to my heart until I believed them. Eventually my panic attacks went away, my shame started disappearing and I could see how much God loved me. Instead of why would God use me or love me, I understood He chose me, He chose to allow His only son to die for me. Wow!

It was a process, a process that changed me forever. It’s still a process but now I know if I’m feeling insecure or not sure I go straight to my source of security first. God first!

I see in Esther where her trust and security were tested. She had decided to go before the king to reveal Haman’s evil plot to kill the Jews but she knew this could cause her to loose her life. If the king was not happy about her coming before him he could have her put to death. She was afraid. It wasn’t enough that she was queen, she could still be put to death. No position will make us secure. She was such an example for us by going to the ultimate King first. She fasted and prayed. She then decided to trust God even if it cost her life. She found her security and trust in the only true source. Let’s be like Esther and trust God enough to be willing to do anything for Him when He asks!

My prayer is that we would be women knowing the truth about who we are. Knowing we are loved so much. Knowing we have a Heavenly Father that is so trustworthy. There is no one or no thing that can complete us or love us so completely as God does! You are loved sister. Trust God with your life! Esther proves to us it is worth it! Know you are created for “Such a time as this”.

When you feel insecure remember:

Ephesians 2:10 You are special!

Psalm 45:11 You are beautiful!

Psalm 121:3 You are protected!

Psalm 68:35 You are strong!

Psalm 103:12 You are forgiven!

Psalm 139:3 You are unique!

2 Corinthians 5:17 You are a new creation!

1 Peter 2:9 You are important!

Jeremiah 29:12 You were created for a purpose!

John 15:16 You are chosen!

John 3:16, Jeremiah 31:3, Ephesians 3:17-19 You are loved!!!!

You are loved,


2 comments on “

  1. You are so absolutey right !!!! That was just what I needed to hear today. Thank you for sharing your heart. For such a time as this is so true!!! Love you sweetheart.

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