In 2 Timothy chapter 4 Paul is encouraging Timothy to continue to preach the word of God, to be persistent whether the time is favorable or not. He told him to patiently correct, rebuke & encourage his people with good teaching. Paul told him all of this because he knew a time was coming when people would no longer listen to right teaching. He told him in verse 3, “They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever they want to hear. They will reject the truth and follow strange myths.”
That’s a scary place to think about, people will no longer listen to right teaching and reject the truth. Maybe we, as a people, are in that place. We have so many, especially the younger generation, who do not know The Word of God. I once heard a pastor say, I wonder if I got up and preached something contradictory to the actual Word of God if the congregation would realize it. Do we know the Word of God good enough that we know when someone is talking, preaching, living something different. Maybe we are in a place that we don’t want to hear right teaching because we may have to make some changes in our lives. Whatever the case may be, we need to get back to right teaching. We need to look for preachers that are teaching and preaching the Word of God. It’s important what kind of teaching we sit under, that’s why Paul was telling Timothy to preach The Word of God whether favorable or not because people need to hear right teaching. If we sit under preaching the deviates from The Word of God & we don’t know The Word we will believe what we are taught. It’s so important we be studying on our own. We need His Word to be able to live the life He has called us to. He has many promises in His Word we should want to receive. We receive those blessings by living according to His Word, not by our own desires. We can’t continue living contradictory to His Word and claim all the blessing He promises. We need to read and understand it in its entirety. The more we read, the more time spent with the Lord, the more we come to understand Him, His ways and His Word which lead us to a place that we can see the difference between right teaching and right living.
Let’s be women who know the Word, live by it and receive the blessings it promises. Let’s be mothers who raise a generation of kids who know The Word.
My prayer is that I will come to understand it more and more. Asking the Lord to open my mind, heart and eyes to know Him more intimately. Lord, let the desire of our heart be to live a life acceptable to you.