Faith that Endures

Starting a study on the book of James this week. Learning about having a faith that endures. This short book of the Bible is full of truth to teach us how to live.

Starting with James 1:2, “Whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy.” When everything in my life is going great it’s easy to smile and be nice to everybody. It’s easy when everything is working out like I want it to. But what about when trouble comes our way? That’s when what we are truly made of comes out. Are we full of anger? It will come out. Are we full of joy? It will come out. Most of the time we want to act off our emotions but we must get to a point that we realize how we react is a choice. James 1:2 says “Whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy”. Whenever means, trouble will come our way. Let it be an opportunity for joy, joy is a choice. Will we choose joy in this trial? We have the choice. There is something I’ve told my kids since they were little when they would fight and that is “choose peace.” Peace is always the better choice. I explained to them that they have the choice on how they allow their sisters actions to affect them. When we make the right choice in the midst of anger, hurt and frustration, our character is being strengthened.

James 1:3-4 says “For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything”.

From that scripture we know our faith will be tested but we understand it’s an opportunity for our endurance to grow. Endurance is the ability to withstand hardship, not quitting. We need to allow the small test in life to teach us to choose joy, choose peace, so that when big storms come our way our endurance has already had a chance to grow. Each storm and trial is fully developing us, strengthening our faith muscle. We want to be people who are strong in character and ready for anything. What does someone look like with strong character? They are the ones that do not waiver, that push through, that endure, that achieve goals, that even in adversity choose joy. They don’t make excuses for why they can’t be joyful, that aren’t always a victim and thinking only bad things happen to them. We can be assured we are never the only one going through something. Someone strong in character learns through their trial. We must understand with Christ we are victorious. Who doesn’t want to be that person of strong character?

Being someone of genuine faith who endures means having the faith that moves me forward through my trial and to do that I’ve got to have wisdom. The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord will produce obedience in our life. It’s a respect for God that makes us want to obey Him. You desire to please God and obedience pleases God. Obedience comes with wisdom. God’s Word says in James 1:5, “if you need wisdom-if you want to know what God wants you to do ask him, and he will gladly tell you”. He will give you wisdom if you will ask and believe, He will answer. Wisdom is one of the most important things you can ask for. Godly wisdom will open our eyes. If you have never asked God for wisdom, begin today. Study every scripture there is on wisdom as you are asking. Wisdom will lead us to where God wants us to go. Our desires become His desires. We will begin doing and standing in the will of God.

True faith is active, we are moved. James 1:27 says, “Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our father means that we must care for the orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us.” This scripture shows action, true faith will move us to act. We will see a need and meet it. We will no longer be able to sit by.

What has your faith inspired you to do?

Is your faith moving you?

Be encouraged if you are facing a trial, God is perfecting you. If you have walked through a trial recently look back and see how God brought you through and gave you the strength to endure. All along He is strengthening our faith muscle so that we can have a faith that moves us to act, a faith that endures.

Looking forward to studying chapter two next week.


1 comments on “Faith that Endures

  1. I needed this today just now…..I was feeling sorry for myself. I am just letting this past few days in the hospital and realizing how much I’m letting this effect my mood of depression. Shack it off shack it off………..but I can’t be there this Saturday to shake it off…….so keep me in mind and say a prayer for me. Love ya lady . ✊✊

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