Running Unstoppable for Jesus

If we are going to be unstoppable in this race we must throw off every weight that slows us down.

“Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1

The enemies goal is to slow us down and eventually stop us in this race. He is scheming against us. We must ensure that we don’t carry any additional weight into this race that the enemy could use against us. What are some of the weights we need to throw off?

And the list goes on. There was a time that I had a lot of those weights, named above, holding me back but thankfully I discovered God’s plan is to live free of those. He sent Jesus so we could be free. It’s a choice that we must make daily. During that time I had so much anxiety that I could hardly leave my house. It took some time but I had to turn it over to God daily and sometimes minute by minute but I had to trust Him. I had to have faith that He would get me through and He did. There came a day that I walked free of that anxiety. I was healed. Who isn’t ready to walk in freedom, be healed and step into the exceedingly abundantly above future God has for His children?

To do that we must search our hearts and deal with our weights. Ask God to reveal any weights you are dealing with. There are some that are obvious but there will be some that you didn’t even realize you were dealing with. Turn them over, repent, and give them to God. Ask for healing. Do this today, tomorrow, and the next day until you know you are healed. Healing, most of the time, is a process. God may choose to instantly heal you or He may choose to allow it to be a process, but one thing we can know for sure is that He will never leave us or forsake us and He can be trusted the whole way. We must be willing to deal with it all. If we don’t bring things out of the darkness and into the light then we can’t be healed of them. Every step we must keep our eyes on Jesus so we don’t get off course.

Just recently I ran a race. I imagined having weights, blocks, tied to me as I was running. There was a point, late in the race that I thought I just might not make it.

(This would have been that point)

I was already so tired, worn down, body hurting. I only had two miles left, I was so close. I imagined at that point if I had weights tied to me that it would not have slowed me down it would have taken me out of the race and I was so close to the end and had come so far but I could not have went another step if something would have been pulling at me. I was so tired physically and mentally. There are times in life we get worn down just because of life, our job, our kids, circumstances around us and if there was one more thing added we may just come to a stop. This is why it’s so important we be sure we are not weighed down by anything. That’s why it’s so important we continue to pray, search my heart God and show me any and every weight.

We can’t afford to get knocked out of this race, to stop, because future generations depend on us. We must continue to run and run this race well.

Ask yourself, what do I need to leave behind and let go of to run and to serve God with my whole life?

Ready for a breakthrough?

Ready for a new start?

Ready to change your circumstance?

Ready to be free?

Ready to be healed?

Ready to step into the exceedingly abundantly above future?

Then throw off every weight! Give it to God! Trust He has it! Trust His plans for you are for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope!

Run ladies, run to Jesus, run for Jesus!!!

Let’s be determined to cross that finish line one day and hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

To make it to the finish line was a great feeling!! I can only imagine the feeling of crossing the finish line on this earth and entering heaven! Oh, what a feeling that will be!!

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