Don’t grow weary

Reading & studying in the book of Ezra this morning. Ezra was a scribe who knew God & His Word. The people of Ezra’s time were in disobedience to the Lord. He was broken at how they had turned their back on the Lord. Chapter nine; verse five says, he was in mourning & he fell to his knees, lifted his hands to the Lord & prayed. He did all this not because of his own sins but for the sins of the people. While he was praying & weeping others saw him and began to do the same.
Ezra is such an example to us. If we will follow God, others may see us and begin to do the same.
We need some Ezra’s to rise up to weep & pray over the sins of our people. The sins of our lost children, our family, our nation. This nation has gotten blind to sin & that should break our hearts as Christians. Mom & Dad don’t encourage the sins of your children, weep over them. Wife, don’t sit idle by while you know your husband is not being the man God called him to be. Pray, weep, pray, weep! Don’t grow weary. Your weeping & your praying is being heard. I can attest, as many can, that God hears those prayers. God heard the prayers of Ezra.
Ezra spoke truth to the people. He told them to confess their sins to the Lord & to do what the Lord demands. This is what we need, a repentant nation that will go back to obeying God.
Next it says, the whole assembly raised their voices & answered, “Yes, you are right; we must do as you say.”
I pray we have a remnant of people left to stand in the gap like Ezra. The people of Ezra’s time turned from their sinful ways. I pray many turn from their sinful ways & back to God.
God is so faithful to forgive. He is so faithful to show mercy. He is so faithful to hear our prayers.
Lord, raise up some Ezra’s of today!

❤️ Michelle

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