Getting back to the “old ways”

I’m reading and studying in the book of Jeremiah today. I’m reading about how the people had turned from God, they were worshiping idols, living their lives however they wanted. It said they went to the temple as they were supposed to but as soon as they left it was right back to living their sinful lives. Is this where we are today? Going through the motions of religion but no true intimate relationship with God that causes us to want to live a pure life, a righteous life? God sent warning to the people through the prophet, Jeremiah, numerous times begging the people to turn from their ways and back to God. The people continually refused. Again, is this us? Is God begging us, this nation, to turn back to Him? To quit worshipping idols and get our eyes back on Him?

I love what chapter 6 verse 16 says…So now the Lord says, “Stop right where you are! Look for the old, Godly way, and walk in it. Travel it’s path and you will find rest for your souls.” When I read that I thought about our grandparents, my grandmother in particular. Look for the old Godly way, the Bible teaches us that way & those Godly grandparents examples have shown us. When I think of my Grandmother I think, Godly, pure, she always strived to live a righteous life, she was faithful to God, faithful to her family, always prayerful, dedicated to her church. She raised her kids in church, she said she never gave them the option not to go, once grandkids came along she always encouraged us to be in church. Usually every time you saw her she invited you to church. She volunteered in the church as long as I can remember. She was still volunteering at VBS when my kids (her great grandkids) went to VBS. She was able to witness many many of her family come to know the Lord. She did not step into your life to solve your problems but what she always offered was her prayers. Her home was always open and you or anyone were always welcome. She had her family over every Sunday after church. Sunday was a day for God & family, a sabbath. From my perspective she had her priorities in order. God was always first and the rest fell right in line. I think if more of us got back to being more like our grandparents this would be a different world. We need to slow down, sabbath, enjoy time with God, enjoy time with family, and serve God as He leads us.

The Lord has really been pushing me to examine my schedule. What do I need to cut out, reprioritize in my life so I can have more time with Him and time with family. I want to walk His path but at times life gets so busy that path gets blurred. His path brings “rest for our souls” and that’s right where I want to be!

I pray as a nation we get back to the “old ways” the biblical way, the way of our grandparents.


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