I have over the years found a love for running. I’ve learned a lot through running. Running can clear my mind, destress my day, keep me healthy and push me to be better.
If you are a runner then you have probably ran a 5k or 10k or some kind of race. Think about this, there are always three things involved in a race. A start, a course and a finish line. I got to thinking, bc I can do a lot of thinking when I’m running, this is also true for our faith walk. There’s a start, when you became a Christian, a course that God has laid out for you, and a finish. The difference in a faith race and the ones I run is that in my faith race I’m guaranteed, if I’m in Christ, to have Victory. Because Christ is victorious so are we.
I hope and pray if you are reading this you have started your race. What about the course. God has laid a course out for each of us. We each have a lane to be in for this race. God has a purpose for each of us but we must stay in our lane. How easy is it to look at someone else in their lane? To look and say, they are running better than me. To think, I like their lane better. The problem with that is that our focus gets off. We are not looking ahead and we will get out of our lane or off our course. We must run keeping our eyes fixed ahead on the author and finisher of our faith. We must keep our eyes on Jesus to be victorious and finish.
The finish line is heaven, the finish line is streets paved of gold, the finish line is where you will hear well done my good and faithful servant. So don’t stop running this race until you see those gold streets. Don’t give up, don’t quit, as we run He will strengthen us. Running long races is a test of endurance and strength but a lot of it begins in our minds. I must have my mind set on finishing no matter what. No matter if I have to walk part of the race, if I have to limp across the finish line, my mind is set on finishing.
When our endurance is fully developed the Bible says we will be strong in character and ready for anything. We need endurance for this race, we need to persevere to the end. Keep going, keep pushing, keep telling yourself you can do this! We are headed for victory!! When we run a race knowing we have victory then it changes how I run. Knowing in this life that we have victory should change the way we live. We shouldn’t live defeated bc we are not defeated if we are in Christ. Let’s stand tall, run our race and finish victorious 🙌🏻
Michelle 😉
Keep in your lane God has for you…
Oh that so true and right what I need at times
I been know to take my eyes off my path..and end up in the weeds..Lesson learned
God is using you .. so keep writing and running
Thanks Cynthia ❤️