My brokenness brought me to You!

These words from the song “Scars” hit me this morning. I’m looking back from this side now. This side is healing, is freedom, is love. I’m not who I was before. I was broken. I was lost. I was ashamed of who I was but I’m so thankful during those dark days I decided to run to God. I’m so thankful my brokenness brought me to Him. God was there the whole time, He was just waiting on me to turn to Him. I had turned to self-help books and to doctors trying to medicate me but when that didn’t work I turned to that bible someone had given me. I turned to those pages. It began to change me from the inside out. It began to teach me who I was and who Jesus is. Slowly but surely I began to heal, I began to find freedom. I was wounded, there are scars, but He will use whatever we will allow Him to bring into the light. Your scars may be what someone else is needing to see and to hear about.

There is so much brokenness in this world. If you were not sure before just turn on the TV or look at your Facebook. So many are looking for healing and wholeness but in all the wrong places. People everywhere wanting to be heard, wanting to have a voice. The voice that everyone needs to hear is Jesus. We need to lift our voice to Jesus and allow Him to speak through us. Instead, so many are seeking for their voice. It’s all about me instead of HE!

It’s going to take this world understanding that Jesus gave up His place to take our place. Our place was on that cross to die a criminals death. Our place would have been hell if He hadn’t done what He did. We didn’t get what we deserved, we got better. We got freedom. We got wholeness. We got healing. These are what I experienced. We have the hope of eternity, of heaven, of streets paved with gold with Him. He is seated at the right hand of God and that’s where we get to go.

Isn’t that enough? Why do we fight for a better place. Why do we fight to have “our” words heard. I believe when you experience Jesus as He intended then the only voice you will want heard is His. We need to turn our eyes to Jesus.

I’m not ignoring the hurt and injustice in this world. There will always be evil. I believe we can all say we have been wounded, we have scars but we’ve got to quit trying to find healing in worldly ways. This is a spiritual battle in this world, in our county, in our state, and in our cities. If we want to be part of the solution we must let Jesus heal us, fill us and speak through us.

What you have walked through or are walking through is something God will use. Allow the scars to be seen. Let your voice be used for that, to tell of how He healed you so someone else can find that same healing.

We don’t always get what we deserve, good or bad. Jesus definitely didn’t get what He deserved and because of that we, all of us, sit in a privileged place. We are called a child of The King.

Thank you Lord that we can bring our brokenness to you. Thank you Lord you can bring healing to our hurt. Thank you Lord that you say I matter and that’s what matters!

Lord, bring healing to this nation!

Praying for our nation,


“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”

Psalms 34:8 NKJV

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