Purpose in the pain

I was reading and studying about Paul having a thorn in his flesh. The Bible says he prayed several times to have it taken away but it didn’t go away. God knew it was for his benefit.

This got me to thinking about some thorns I came in contact with the other day. I went to pick blackberries and encountered some thorns I had to work around to get my fresh blackberries. They kept getting hung on my clothes and sticking me with their prickly ends. Would it have been easier to walk up and just pick my blackberry, yes, but see those thorns serve as a purpose. The thorns protect the fruit from prey that might come and destroy the plant by eating the vines. Those thorns have a purpose just as Pauls thorn had a purpose.

My fresh blackberries! I even made a cobbler later with these!

There are things in our lives that come about as a thorn in the flesh to protect us. Protect us from prey but sometimes it’s to protect us from ourselves. I read that Paul’s thorn in the flesh was to keep him from getting proud. How easy it is for us to become proud. We must stay humble and if it takes a thorn in our flesh to keep us humble then God will allow it. He wants us always dependent on Him. If your experiencing a pain, a thorn, a problem in your life right now just know it could be for your benefit. It’s not easy when we experience set back, hurt and pain but we can be assured we can always trust God and His way. Paul continued preaching and living out the call God had on his life no matter what. He prayed and the prayer didn’t get answered the way he wished it would but he didn’t allow that to stop him. There was purpose in his pain. Don’t allow a set back to deter you from continuing to live out the call God has on your life. Continue on as Paul did. God knows best. Continue trusting Him!

Thankful for this little reminder from the Lord today!

🙂 Michelle

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